Subscription beauty boxes are popping up left and right, giving brands an amazing opportunity to get their product into the hands of thousands of users. The affordability of these subscription boxes allows beauty product-lovers to try out brands they’ve never heard of at an affordable price. These boxes serve as an incredible opportunity for brands to create a pathway that can lead to return customers and increases in sales.

These subscription boxes, while they are a great opportunity for brands, can come with its own set of hurdles as well.

  • Price-points for products typically need to be low to make it worthwhile
  • Long payment terms
  • Strict receiving dates
  • Detailed paperwork and packing requirements

The Westline team has a lot of experience helping out customers navigate the world of subscription beauty. From identifying the best potential box to working to make sure formulations are within budget to shipping truckloads of pallets to various distribution warehouses – we have done it all. We even have direct manufacturing plant sources in Asia to help you source the needed packaging needed.

If you are interested in pursing a beauty subscription box, let your Westline rep know so we can help go over your product offering and see what products work best. The Westline team is happy to strategize a way to make your subscription box placement dream a reality.